Diabetes Medicines Got Reduced after Consuming SudhAmruta+ Tablets

I should start with a BIG THANK YOU for sharing this wonderful combination called SudhAmruta+.

I started taking SudhAmruta+ from November 2020 for recurrent cold and allergic cough. Within a month, I started feeling better and energetic. After a while I also observed that it has worked wonders on my diabetes as well.

Before taking SudhAmruta+, my fasting sugar was 186.44 mg/dL, Glucose PP was 305.62 mg/dL and HbA1c was 9.4%. and the reports of the blood test conducted on 15th Dec 2020 showed that my parameters had come down to normal with fasting sugar 77.87 mg/dL, Glucose PP 129 mg/dL and HbA1c 7%.

My doctor has reduced my medicine after seeing these results.

– Amitabh Bhaduri